Check this list to learn some of the acronyms and terms commonly used in the Wisconsin tobacco control world.
ACS - American Cancer Society (Also ASC-CAN for Cancer Action Network)
AHA - American Heart Association
ALA - American Lung Association
ANR - Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights
Best Practices - strategies or interventions that have demonstrated effective outcomes
CDC - Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (Abbreviated as CTFK, TFK or Campaign)
CTRI - Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention
Disparities - a disproportionate impact on specific populations and demographics
DPH - Wisconsin Division of Public Health
FACT - WI's youth-driven statewide tobacco prevention program
FDA - Food and Drug Administration
Grassroots - local organizations or people that initiate action in their community
Grasstops - community leaders who can influence others
HUD - US Department of Housing and Urban Development
LPHD or LHD - Local Public Health Department or Local Health Department
JFC - Joint Finance Committee or Committee on Joint Finance
LTE - letter to the editor
MUH - Multi-Unit Housing
N-O-T - Teen cessation program from the American Lung Association
OTP - Other Tobacco Products
SFA - Smoke-Free Air
SRP - Strategic Recruitment Planning
Spark - Wisconsin's tobacco-free campus initiative
Synar Regulation - federal regulation enacted in 1992 that focuses on decreasing youth access to tobacco products
Tobaccotalk - email group for Wisconsin news and discussion
TPCM - Tobacco Prevention and Control Movement
TPCP - Wisconsin Tobacco Prevention and Control Program
TTA - Training and Technical Assistance
TTAC - Tobacco Technical Assistance Consortium
TTD - Treating Tobacco Dependence
WAC - Wisconsin Asthma Coalition
WALHDAB - Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments and Boards
WHEN - Wisconsin Health Education Network
Wins - Wisconsin Wins
WiNTiP - Wisconsin Nicotine Treatment Integration Project
WPHA - Wisconsin Public Health Association
UW - CTRI - University of Wisconsin Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention